Cosmetic Medicine


Laser Facial

This is an effective, almost painless whole-face treatment to improve both the color and the texture of your skin at the same time. There is very short recovery time needed with this facial – it’s a lunchtime visit so you can get back to work right away!

Hair Remover Laser

Temporary hair removal options (shaving, waxing and depilatories) are fine for some people, but can cause bumps, ingrown hairs, rashes and redness. If you seek a longer term, easier solution, then laser hair removal might be the answer for you. Multiple hairs are treated with each laser pulse. As hair grows in cycles, several treatment sessions are required to achieve long-term hair reduction and possibly permanent hair removal.


Botox is an FDA-approved, injectable, purified protein that creates smooth, younger looking skin by weakening the muscles that contract and cause wrinkles. The most commonly treated wrinkles are the frown lines between brows, the lines on the sides of the nose (sometimes referred to as “bunny lines”), forehead lines and crow’s feet. We can also create a subtle brow lift, improving brow arch and shape, and drawing attention to your eyes.


Juvéderm is an FDA-approved, non-surgical filler treatment that helps erase the fine lines and deep wrinkles we get with age to restore the smooth, natural contours of our youth. Treatment involves the precise injection of a gel substance into the skin to enhance facial features including lips, nose, chin and cheeks.



HIFU 高能聚焦超聲波療程

HIFU 高能聚焦超聲波療程是最新的無創拉提技術,有效拉緊鬆弛皮膚及漸進式地刺激膠原自我增生,提升輪廓、減淡皺紋及消除眼袋。



透明質酸 Juvéderm注射

Juvéderm 獲美國食品及藥物管理局 (FDA) 及歐盟 (CE) 認證的透明質酸填充劑,將填充劑注入鼻樑、臉頰、下巴、疤痕、嘴唇等處,有助消除皺紋、改善面部輪廓。

肉毒桿菌Botox 注射

Botox (保妥適 ) 是美國食品及藥物管理局、香港衞生署核准用於美容療程的肉毒桿菌素。它可以阻隔神經末梢的訊息傳遞,從而令繃緊的肌肉放鬆,快速、簡單及有效地撫平面上的皺紋,例如額頭的抬頭紋、眼旁的魚尾紋及雙眉間的苦情紋。



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